Thursday, April 30, 2009

Creation "Science"

For the past week, I've been listening to an unabridged audio recording of Johnathan Wells' "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Dawinism and Intelligent Design." And any reader can guess my opinion of Mr. Wells book from the quotation marks around the word "science" in the title of this post. I'm no scientist, but even I could see some flaws in Mr. Wells' book, only two of which I'm going to mention.

Wells writes about Darwin and his supporters "ignoring the work of Gregor Mendl" (the man who discovered the laws of heredity) when a glance at an encyclopedia would show him that Brother Mendl's work was only published in a very obscure German/Austrian journal and lost to the scientific community for decades because the editor of that journal didn't know what a treasure he had on his hands.

And then there is his constant reference to "the Designer" who Wells protests isn't God but never says who/what (s)he may be. He reminds me very much of our Victorian grandparents who couldn't say the words "pregnant" or "sex" though they spent hours talking about how their children and grandchildren resembled this or that relative.

As for my own opinion--since "a day to God is as a thousand years," I don't have a problem with the idea that the world we have today took several billion years to build, or the idea that we humans aren't the be-all and end-all of life. I'm only sorry I won't be around to see what comes next.

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