Saturday, May 16, 2009


Perhaps I should have written "creating" in the title line.


I sometimes think I write the way other people drink or take drugs or abuse sex--as an escape. Sort of a vacation from the reality of my sister's illness and my mother's heart condition, my son's dangerous job and my own often heartbreaking one. I've certainly done some of what I think of as my better work--including this blog--in that escapist mood.

But not always.

Some writing is a direct challenge to those who pushed my "outrage" button. I used to write op/ed pieces for local newspapers in that vein, and then be totally flabbergasted when the editor(s) printed my tirades without altering so much as a comma. I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised--they and I were nearly always on the same side. Plus I was always careful to make certain my "ducks were in a row"--my facts were the facts, not edited to fit my assumptions. I took--and still take--great delight in pointing out such "editing" in other people's writing: reread April's post on creation "science" if you don't believe me.

And yet, in some ways, that writing too can be an escape. Following an intriguing trail of facts and opinions is a wonderful way of taking your mind off things you can't change or control. I highly recommend it.

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