Saturday, May 30, 2009

What is a "culture warrior?"

I gather Bill O'Reilly has a new book out called, if memory serves, "Memoirs of a Culture Warrior," and I wonder, "What is he claiming to be?" So far as I know, people are warriors--meaning they're soldiers--or they have culture--meaning they value the arts and appreciate the sciences.

So far as I know, neither of these terms apply to Mr. O.

I figured I should start by trying to define the term. "Culture warrior" isn't in the dictionary, but "the culture wars" is. In the U. S. (but not in Europe or Australia), and according to no less an expert than Mr. O. himself, "the culture wars" refers to a battle between the "Secular Progressives" and the "Traditionalists."

I would certainly define myself as a "traditionalist." I think marriage is a good thing between commited adults, but not between an adult and a child, since I child can't understand the significance of what (s)he is promising to do; or between more than two people, since it is supposed to be an equal partnership, and, with more than two partners, one of them will be shortchanged. I value the teachings religious traditions, the more so as I learned how much they had in common. I appreciate our Constitution, which the authors made flexible enough to apply to many situations and even wrote in rules for alteration if and when the citizens deemed changes were necessary. While I agree with Robert E. Lee that "war is failure," I also understand that, sometimes, it's necessary.

But, according to Mr. O., I can't possibly be a "traditionalist" because I think men and women deserve equal pay for work of equal value; I appreciate the poetry of the biblical version of the creation of this world, but I know it's not the truth; I don't believe any person has the right to inflict bodily harm on another, especially if the inflictor is an adult and the victim is a child; and I believe that, since God told EVERYONE we should "feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, and look after those who can't look after themselves," that is what we should be doing. Period.

And that eliminates me from the "Secular Progressive" side of Mr. O.'s war. I guess I just have to sit this one out.

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